To Be or Not To Be an Entrepreneur...

She talks about the battle of an entrepreneur in one of her recent posts. How people don’t understand the sacrifices that come with the title of being a B-O-S-S. Dealing with taxes, and the government, and other people’s problems. How working 15-hour days have left many of her fellow entrepreneur friends fighting depression, no matter their level of success. It’s a topic that’s brushed over in the black business world, but that’s claiming the lives of many who can’t seem to find light in their endless world of darkness. It’s not something that Zim wishes upon anybody. (XNNecole on Travel Noire's Zim Ugochukwu)


I've been there and it's not fun. You get cabin fever. No one around you knows how to support. And while you're entirely grateful you don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn, ride a bus to an office building, and answer to "the man", you crave for the structure and consistency of a 9-5. You eat what you catch as an entrepreneur. Yes, it's liberating. Yes, the sky is the limit. This is why I keep a side hustle in my left,front pocket. The autonomy! But I know I made some out-of-my-mind choices when I was in that world. I'd spend one full week with my head buried in a computer screen from sun-up to sun-down. I would experience severe burn-out. Then, I'd binge on all my vices. Cause, who gon check me, boo? A good mix of chaos and rigidity keeps us integrated. I feel great about calibrating my efforts to attain wealth and stability. I also get to complain about both! 
I see a lot of people on both ends of the spectrum, clowning people who refuse to take a leap of faith and work for themselves. Or, the 9-5'ers who deem everything they didn't invent a pyramid scheme. Just let people be who they wanna be. My granny would always say, "You run your mouth, I run my business!" Every person is different. Some people love the freedom to do what they want and come and go as they please. Ain't nobody gonna tell them how much money they can make! Others are just fine, budgeting that 30-60K and moving in their circular motion. It kinda feels like a hypnotic trance. 
And, since I am not interested in being permanently stuck in the Sunken Place of the Krusty the Krab meme, I choose to sprinkle a little black girl magic on myself from time to time. I use my talents and my time off to bring in clients and extra paper. It feels good to work via referrals and marvel at the work you created! But, nonetheless, people and their lack of business acumen can drive you crazy. Literally. It can be exhausting dealing with late paying customers, people who want more for less, people who cancel or don't follow up. People who dodge you. I'm a cancer. I am sensitive. Don't do me like that. 
In closing, I feel you, Zim. I hope and pray you find a good consistent balance and steer clear of the pitfalls of depression and/or anxiety that we tend to charge to the game. Self-care is the sacrifice we make to make sure we take a moment to take care of us. With that, I will book a massage!
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NO MORE ART-for you!

I have finally come to terms with my anxiety. I DO NOT WANT TO BE ASKED ABOUT ART…
Until further notice:
Do not ask me to draw you a picture
Do not ask me to create a logo
Do not ask me to create a flyer
Do not ask me to illustrate a book
Do not ask me for anything that I am not advertising.
If I am going to stop running from my passion, I have to get back to just doing art because I love it. I miss painting, sketching, sculpting! When I am commissioned for a project, however, it makes me (literally) sick. I lie awake worried until my deadline is met. I have been taking on your projects to be nice but it only leads to more anxiety. It got so bad that last weekend was the first time in 2 years that I picked up a pencil for fun! I was looking at my graphite like, what’s the difference between 2H and 4B?!
 If you’re a writer and have experienced writer’s block, you know what this feels like. If you are a singer and you stopped singing for 2 years, what would it feel like to hide your talent?
Anxiety is real, and if it were any other thing, I would use art to cope. Alas, no. I have been running from the talent God gave me.  I was supposed to grow this talent but instead, I stifled it. I’m kinda mad at myself. I could be this world-renowned whomever running around painting murals for fun. I just need to stopped being asked. That wont happen. So, I need to start saying no.
Not no, because I don’t have time
Not no, because I broke my computer.
Not no, because I don’t know how or don’t remember.
Just no, because NO! I don’t want to!
Stop asking just because you think it’s perfectly reasonable to ask a woman with a BA in Art and Design for her to draw you something. You’re right. I, however, broke up with art years ago. We don’t go together no more. I feel violated and taken for granted. Didn’t even address that part on Facebook. Cause true to form, victim’s guilt got me like : YOU BROUGHT THIS ON Ya’self!
Suffice it to say, I put myself in this freelance mess and I’m going to get myself out. I just need time to fall in love again! Just know, the answer is NO!
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Today, Lord, help me to accept myself the way I am, without judgment.

Help me to accept my mind the way it is, with all my emotions, my hopes and dreams, my personality, my unique way of being. 

Help me to accept my body just the way it is, with all its beauty and perfection.
Let the love for myself be so strong that I never reject myself or sabotage my happiness and personal freedom. 

From now on, let every action, every reaction, every thought, every emotion, be based on love. 

Help me, Creator, to increase my self-love until the entire dream of my life is transformed, from fear and drama to love and joy.

Let the power of my self-love be strong enough to break all the lies I was programmed to believe – all the lies that tell I am not good enough, or strong enough, or intelligent enough, that I cannot make it. 

Let the power of my self-love be so strong that I no longer need to live my life according to other people opinions. Let me trust myself completely to make the choices I must make.

With my self-love, I am no longer afraid to face responsibility in my life or face any problems and resolve them as they arise.

Whatever I want to accomplish, let it be done with the power of my self-love.
Starting today, help me to love myself so much that I never set up any circumstances that go against me.
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Taking Inventory

I don't know how I'm still alive, sometimes. I've ruined my life like three times and I keep getting chances to start over. Some days I'm like, can I come back? I swear I have nine lives.

 I started off doing everything the way I was taught. I went to church, I got perfect grades, I married my first love. I waited for kids. I went to college and got a job in my field. I paid my bills,my car note, I had my own place to live and carried my husband for two years when he lost his job. 

Then, I got hit with a divorce in the middle of a financial crisis. I collapsed. I moved in with my boss and worked like a slave and tried to find peace. I worked out and lost about 30lbs. I started taking life really slowly and appreciating quiet times and the process it takes to comeback from a tragedy. I learned to work on one thing at a time and not race against some fake clock that no one could hold me to. 

Then, my job ended abruptly and my boss sent me back to my family. I was mad that I was abandoned and didn't have a way to get my own place. I moved in with my sister last summer and slept on her couch as I tried to find a job, get a divorce, and navigate a love life. I finally found a good paying job but I lost my life. Then, I put it in the hands of the sociopath.

He gave me so much attention from afar. He always knew what to say. I saved every penny to see him in Texas. I was flying all around for work and for him. Then, it was time to ruin my life again. I thought I was going to live happily ever after in Texas. We were supposed to put everything together and work hard. But my job decided to play me to the left.

Here I was broke and back in Chicago and all because I kept depending on others to be in my corner. I've been slowly coming back from the depression that accompanied having fallen so far off my pedestal. 

Slowly, I will find peace again. Slowly, I will put my career back on track. I'm exactly where I need to be. I don't have to have it all at once. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

 So, I'm going to respect the process of rebuilding. I don't have to have all the clothes and furniture I want right now. I don't have to have trips lined up. I don't have to have the car I want today. 

I'm just happy to be alive. Happy to have my rent money. Happy to have a new place to work. Happy to have friends. Happy to put food on the table. Happy to pay my phone bill. Happy to get away from my parents. Happy to have a resume that gets interviews. Happy to see my niece grow. 

I will not fall into the trap of keeping up with the joneses. I just want to stay alive and take care of my people. And, they don't got no award for that!!! God always provides. I need to be content so that he can bless me with more. 

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On Sociopaths...

Fresh out of meditation in half lotus pose, I have come to the realization:

I am the product of several sociopaths. I am grateful for my interactions with them. They have caused me to:

Seek peace in all things.
Live without apology.
Go within, OFTEN!
Know without a shadow of a doubt the extent God will go to protect me.
Watch out for the agenda; there is always an agenda.
Not internalize rejection and failure.
Develop the mantra: Your problem, not mine (As it relates to people's projections)
Respect the process.
Say NO more readily.
Be a little selfish and focus on me, for a change.
Be strong in my convictions.
Cut toxic people off more quickly.
Appreciate family and friends.
Value patience.
Exhibit kindness.
Understand that some people are just sick
Notice when I am being taken advantage of.
Listen to my own voice, cause that is where God was the whole time!
Not argue with people, especially those who are always right.
Smile and nod, amused.
Not jump to match a false sense of urgency.
Take my time and do it right.
Realize that people tend to lie, even unnecessarily.
Understand that some things are just none of my business.
Hold on to people who value the authentic me and make no attempts to manipulate.
Love people even harder than before, because they need it.

So, thank you!
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Sometimes you have to take a step back and realize that at this very moment all your needs are being met. That is what I have concluded, as I sit at this Starbucks with a peppermint hot chocolate. I ruined my draft of this, so I guess I must retype.

I find myself constantly taking inventory of the things I need. She has rainboots; I need those. He has a Macbook; I want that. The reality: I have everything that is essential for me to function. So much so that no one knows that I long to dress up for work, wake up at a decent hour, drive to my parking garage, take the elevator to the top, close the door to my office, meditate and start my over-productive day. I want to take a zumba class after work and hop in the shower before I make dinner for my family. I want them to greet me with hugs and kisses and tell me about their day. I want to pray with my children before they go to sleep and make love to my husband until we pass out in our California king bed, with our bodies entwined after saying our I love yous. 

As beautiful as the fantasy is, I know where I am and that I am headed there. I have been writing in my thank you journal daily. All my basic needs are met. I have food, shelter, water and love. I have work and transportation, I have friendship and family. There have been goals set to enhance those things but for now I will say: Thank You Lord. Many people are missing at least one of the things I have. It's a trap to worry about the job, the car, the kids, the man. I have to learn to trust God to work all the kinks out. He has NEVER let me down, even when I tested his grace.

For the rest of my life I will make more of an effort to listen to God. I will make time for him. Then, I wont feel so lost about the next move. He will tell me himself.

I don't want to be famous. I want to be powerful. This is the start of my rise to POWER. I feel it now. I wont buckle or be side-tracked this time. Let's get it.

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FAIL and FAIL Often

Cried my eyes out when I heard her say this. It helps me understand that failing over and over again only gets me closer to getting it right. If you fail, just get back up and try again. I get so mad at myself when things don't go the way I saw it in my head but the next time might be the right one.

My old job didn't work out the way I planned but I loved what I did and I gave it my all.

My 1st marriage didn't work out the way I planned but I was in it to win it and I've never loved so hard in my life.

Graphic design didn't go as planned but I can always find my niche in my field at any time.

I took a break from life after failing so much. I was so disappointed in all my trials and errors. After this quote, I am READY to potentially fail again. Let's fall in love. Let's work on weight. Let's take on a new career and business. Let's fail and take risks like we used to, Lunden. Go hard!

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